Home / Recipes / Hummus in Deviled Potatoes

Photo of Hummus in Deviled Potatoes by Runa Ganguly at BetterButter

Hummus in Deviled Potatoes

Runa Ganguly
15 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Hummus in Deviled Potatoes RECIPE

A nutritious vegetarian version of the popular deviled eggs will attract a lot of attention in parties. Potatoes, here are the surprise and secret ingredient;baked to perfection and served with classic middle eastern hummus

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Fusion
  • Baking
  • Boiling
  • Microwaving
  • Appetizers
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. For Deviled Potatoes:
  2. 4 small/medium sized potatoes
  3. 1 tbn olive oil
  4. 1tsn salt
  5. 1 tsn black pepper powder
  6. For Classic Hummus:
  7. 100 gms boiled chickpeas/chole
  8. Juice of one lemon
  9. 2 tbn tahini paste
  10. 2 tbn olive oil
  11. 8 chopped/crushed garlic pearls
  12. 1 tbn salt
  13. 1 tbn crushed black pepper (optional)
  14. For Garnishing:
  15. 1 tbn chopped chives
  16. 1 tbn oregano powder
  17. 1 tsn Chilli flakes


  1. Boil chickpeas and keep aside to cool.
  2. For hummus, blend all the ingredients listed under “for classic hummus” without any water
  3. For delived potatoes, Cut the potatoes in halves and spray a tbn oil on them
  4. Lay them on baking tray and bake till 15 minutes at 200 degree celcius/till done
  5. Let the potatoes cool a bit. Then scoop out the mass in the centers
  6. For serving: Fill up a piping bag with the hummus
  7. Fill the baked potato halves with the hummus prepared and microwave for 2-3 minutes to heat the dish
  8. Garnish with chilli flakes, oregano powder and chives

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Ruchi Gaur
Ruchi Gaur   Dec-29-2017

Perfect starter to serve your guests.

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