Home / Recipes / onion basket pizza {my best onion pizza}

Photo of onion basket pizza {my best onion pizza} by Chandu Pugalia at BetterButter

onion basket pizza {my best onion pizza}

Chandu Pugalia
10 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT onion basket pizza {my best onion pizza} RECIPE

this a unique delicious pizza in which onion cup is inside dough and that cup is filled with pizza sauce,onion tomato,paneer and cheese.it is a fantastic starter for parties

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Italian
  • Baking
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 4 medium onion
  2. 1 cup maida
  3. Salt
  4. Oil 2 tsp
  5. 1 tsp sugar
  6. Pizza sauce
  7. 1 cup chop onion, tomato,mashed paneer
  8. Salt
  9. Pepper
  10. Chilli flakes
  11. oregano
  12. Cheese
  13. sauce and parsley for garnish


  1. first of all we make dough
  2. take maida salt, sugar ,oil and curd in a bowl
  3. mix all of them and make a dough
  4. make a ball and cover it for some time
  5. then we prepare onion bowl---
  6. take onion and peel
  7. then with a small scooper scoop onion
  8. prepare all onions like that
  9. roll dough and cut rounds with the help of cookie cutter
  10. cover onion with round dough
  11. then spread pizza sauce on the bottom and sides of onion
  12. then fill with onion,tomato paneer stuffing
  13. add salt, pepper ,flakes and oregano
  14. grate cheese
  15. bake in preheated ovan for 20 - 25 min.on 180 degree.
  16. garnish with sauce and parsley
  17. serve hot

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Manisha Shukla
Manisha Shukla   Jul-02-2017

Nice one

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