Home / Recipes / Anjeer (Figs) Ice Cream

Photo of Anjeer (Figs) Ice Cream by Honey Lalwani at BetterButter

Anjeer (Figs) Ice Cream

Honey Lalwani
360 minutes
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Anjeer (Figs) Ice Cream RECIPE

It's a unique ice cream with Health and taste together. Superb in taste and easy to make.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Indian
  • Boiling
  • Freezing
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Milk 500 ml + 2 tbsp
  2. Sugar 1/2 cup or as per taste
  3. Whipped cream 1 cup
  4. Cornflour 2 tbsp
  5. Agar-agar 1 tsp
  6. Figs (Anjeer) 8-10 (soaked in hot milk for 30 mins)
  7. Honey for drizzle
  8. Roasted almonds 8-10


  1. In a bowl take 2 tbsp warm milk add agar-agar and keep aside
  2. In a bowl take 2 tbsp cold milk add corn flour. Mix well and keep aside
  3. In a heavy bottom pan, add milk and boil it. Once start boiling add sugar and keep stir till sugar dissolves.
  4. Add corn flour mixture and stir constantly to avoid lumps.
  5. Once starts to thicken switch off the flame.
  6. Let it cool for 5 mins.
  7. Add agar-agar mixture and mix very well.
  8. Let it cool and keep in the freezer for 2 hrs.
  9. After 2 hrs churn it well. And add whipped cream and fold well. Again put in the freezer for 2 hrs.
  10. In between in a mixer jar take milk and soaked figs. And make a paste.
  11. After 2 hrs take out ice cream and churn again.
  12. Add figs mixture and fold well. Also, add roasted almonds and pour the ice cream in air tight container.
  13. Keep in the freezer for 5-7 hrs.
  14. Serve icecream in a bowl. Drizzle some honey and garnish with Roasted almonds.

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Tanya Chauhan
Tanya Chauhan   Jun-15-2017


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