Home / Recipes / Virgin mojito, tropical drink

Photo of Virgin mojito, tropical drink by prati singh at BetterButter

Virgin mojito, tropical drink

prati singh
10 minutes
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Virgin mojito, tropical drink RECIPE

Soothing cool drink to beat the heat

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kitty Parties
  • Fusion
  • Chilling
  • Cold Drink
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Lemon 4
  2. Sugar 100gms
  3. Mint leaves 50gms
  4. Sparkling water 600ml


  1. Add sugar and 100ml water in a pan boil it for 5 mins turn off and let it cool
  2. Cut lime into small triangles or wedges and muddle it
  3. Add mint leaves also and muddle again
  4. Take a serving glass add muddled lime and mint
  5. Add sugar syrup abt 2-3 tsp in a glass or according your taste
  6. Add ice cubes and pour sparkling water over it
  7. Stir well garnish with mint leaves and lemon wedge

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