Home / Recipes / Almond Pancakes with Date Syrup Reduction

Photo of Almond Pancakes with Date Syrup Reduction by Amrita Iyer at BetterButter

Almond Pancakes with Date Syrup Reduction

Amrita Iyer
0 minutes
Prep Time
180 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Almond Pancakes with Date Syrup Reduction RECIPE

When we talk about nuts, seeds and dry fruits we are talking proteins, multivitamins, strength, taste and all round development.It is what this recipe is all about – filled with the goodness of the wonderful nut – Almond and a lovely dessert fruit – Date.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Everyday
  • Fusion
  • Breakfast and Brunch

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. For the Pancakes:
  2. 1 1/2 cups plain flour(Maida)
  3. 2 tsp Baking Powder
  4. 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  5. 1/2 cup fermented Almond Paste
  6. 1 cup plus 3 tbsp milk
  7. 2 tbsp powdered sugar/caster sugar
  8. Butter/Oil for pan frying
  9. For the Date Reduction:
  10. 1 cup dates – soaked in water overnight
  11. 2 tsp cornflour soaked in 2 tbsp water(called a “slurry ”)
  12. 1 tsp Cardamom powder
  13. 2 tbsp powdered sugar


  1. For Date Reduction: Make the reduction first and keep it warm to pour on hot pancakes.If the dates have seeds then take them out and put them in a grinder jar with 2 cups of water and blend to a fine paste.
  2. Strain through a sieve or strainer into a saucepan and place it on medium heat.When the decoction comes to a boil, add the cornflour slurry and cook till very thick like a sauce.Add cardamom powder and sugar and mix again.Keep warm.
  3. For Almond Pancakes: Sift flour with Baking powder and sugar twice.Add the fermented Almond Paste,vanilla essence and milk and mix very well into a pancake batter.Keep aside for 10 minutes.
  4. Heat a tava/griddle or fry pan for making the pancakes and spoon 1 tsp butter or oil on it.Spread all over with a piece of cotton.When heated up, pour 1 ladleful of batter on it and pour 1 tsp melted butter/oil on and round it.
  5. Let it cook for 1-2 minutes. When one side is cooked,flip over and cook the other side as well.Prepare all pancakes this way.
  6. For serving: Keep 2 pancakes on a plate and drizzle 1-2 tbsp of the prepared reduction over them.Serve immediately.

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Padma I
Padma I   Oct-20-2016

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