Home / Recipes / Kesari Sabudana Kheer

Photo of Kesari Sabudana Kheer by Disha Khurana at BetterButter

Kesari Sabudana Kheer

Disha Khurana
30 minutes
Prep Time
1800 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Kesari Sabudana Kheer RECIPE

Whether you are fasting or not this kheer makes for a great & healthy dessert. Enjoy it with your loved ones.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Navratas
  • Simmering
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Sabudana 1/2 cup
  2. Grain Sugar 1/2 cup
  3. Milk 600 ml
  4. Ghee 1.5 tbsp
  5. Green cardamom 4
  6. Sultanas/Raisins 2 tbsp
  7. Kesar/Saffron 7-8 strands
  8. Almonds 4 sliced
  9. Pistachios 4 sliced


  1. Rinse the sabudana pearls in water till the water is clean, similarly to how you wash rice.
  2. Soak them in ½ cup water for an hour.
  3. Slice or flake almonds and pistachios thinly. Keep aside
  4. Crush cardamom in a motor pestle and warm milk. Keep aside
  5. Clean, wash and dry the sultana’s. Keep aside.
  6. In a heavy bottom vessel, heat ghee on medium flame and fry the sultana’s till they puff up.
  7. Remove immediately with a perforated spoon once they have puffed.
  8. Be quick with the above method, as it hardly takes about 10-20 seconds and can burn easily.
  9. To the remaining ghee, add the crushed cardamom.
  10. Stir and let the aroma fill the room, this will take about 30-40 seconds.
  11. Add the sabudana and roast them in ghee for around two minutes but without discolouring them.
  12. Turn the flame to low and add warm milk, simmer for 10-15 minutes while stirring occasionally.
  13. Add the fried sultana’s and simmer for another 5 minutes or till the sabudana has cooked and turned into an almost transparent colour.
  14. Add the sugar at this point and stir till the sugar dissolves.
  15. Switch off the flame. Serve garnished with saffron strands and flaked dry fruits.

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hida himaaz
hida himaaz   Apr-02-2017


Anjali Bhatia
Anjali Bhatia   Mar-30-2017

What is the meaning of sutanas?

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