Home / Recipes / Maggi stuffed in spinach khandvi

Photo of Maggi stuffed in spinach khandvi by Poonam Kothari at BetterButter

Maggi stuffed in spinach khandvi

Poonam Kothari
10 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Maggi stuffed in spinach khandvi RECIPE

A new version of maggi and khandvi

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kitty Parties
  • Indian
  • Sauteeing
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Maggi 1packet
  2. Gram flour 1cup
  3. Curd 1cup
  4. Water 2cups
  5. salt as per taste
  6. spinach leaves 2cup
  7. Sesame seeds 1 tsp
  8. Curry leaves 6-7
  9. Rai 1tsp
  10. Oil 1tsp


  1. mix curd and gram flour (besan) whisk it
  2. add 1cup water
  3. again whisk it there should be no lumps
  4. add other cup of water too
  5. add salt, green chilly
  6. blanch spinach and make a paste
  7. make maggi as per instructions on the pack
  8. in a deep pan add gram flour mixture
  9. keep on stirring constantly otherwise lumps Will be formed
  10. when it becomes like dough
  11. add spinach paste
  12. again stir it and let it cook for 5-7 minutes
  13. or till it again becomes like a dough
  14. switch off the flame
  15. spread on a greased plate
  16. Cut it in strips
  17. Keep some cooked Maggi on it and roll it gently and tightly
  18. make all the rolls
  19. in small pan add oil
  20. let it become warm
  21. add rai,sesame seeds and curry leaves
  22. spread on khandvi
  23. khandvi is ready

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Poonam Kothari
Poonam Kothari   Feb-21-2018

Thank you

Diksha Wahi
Diksha Wahi   Apr-03-2017

Very nice idea dear

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