Home / Recipes / Banana and Dates Cutlets

Photo of Banana and Dates Cutlets by Zeenath Fathima at BetterButter

Banana and Dates Cutlets

Zeenath Fathima
5 minutes
Prep Time
8 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Banana and Dates Cutlets RECIPE

A sweet cutlet with the most loved fruit of many of us and the healthy and rich dates along with the oats. This combination makes it even more healthy and power packed food for the kids and the adults. Can be whipped up with just a few ingredients and you are good to go. Loaded with dry fruits, rolled up in oats and shallow fried in butter, this becomes my sweetest idea till date and i am loving all the compliments that i received for this sweetilicious instant snack idea or even a tiffin box idea or better still can be an after school goodie too that can be given to the little angels after school to perk up their energy levels.

Recipe Tags

  • Egg-free
  • Easy
  • Tiffin Recipes
  • Fusion
  • Shallow fry
  • Chilling
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Ripe bananas mashed 2
  2. Dates deseeded 1 cup
  3. Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp
  4. Dry fruits of choice, (i used pistachios and walnuts) 2 to 3 tbsp
  5. Raisins 2 tbsp
  6. Grated coconut or dry coconut 4 to 5 tbsp
  7. Butter 2 tbsp
  8. Oats (to coat the cutlets) 1/2 cup


  1. Mix all the ingredients well and keep aside.
  2. Shape them into cutlets and roll each of them in the oats.
  3. Shallow fry in butter on low flame until light brown and crisp.
  4. Serve these warm. Can also be eaten chilled.

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Yasmeen Ahmed
Yasmeen Ahmed   May-18-2017

Super cute !!! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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