Home / Recipes / Spiral Pasta Easy Dinner...

Photo of Spiral Pasta Easy Dinner... by Zeenath Fathima at BetterButter

Spiral Pasta Easy Dinner...

Zeenath Fathima
10 minutes
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
5 People
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ABOUT Spiral Pasta Easy Dinner... RECIPE

This is a quick and easy dinner with tomatoes, capsicums , black olives and a variety of other veggies of your choice whichever is handy and available in your pantry. The traditional italian seasoning gives a subtle warmth to this fun and easy delight for dinner. Happy Dinner Time Folks!

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Italian
  • Chilling
  • Salad
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 5

  1. 300 gm spiral pasta
  2. 1 1/2 tbsp salt
  3. 1 tomato ; chopped
  4. 1 capsicum chopped
  5. 1 onion ; chopped
  6. Black olives ; pitted and sliced 10
  7. 1 tbsp italian seasoning
  9. 1 tbsp cumin powder
  10. 1/4 cup olive oil


  1. To a cooking pot with salted , boiling water , add in your spiral pasta .
  2. Let this cook for about 20 minutes or until done .
  3. Once the pasta is done , set it aside .
  4. Chop up all your veggies .
  5. Saute Onions in a cooking pot using Olive oil preferably. You can also use any light flavoured Oil too.
  6. Add minced Garlic and Chilli flakes. Throw in all the veggies now whatever are available and handy. Add in some Salt too along with Cumin powder. Mix well and simmer on a low heat for 5 minutes. Retain the crunch of the vegetables. Do not over cook.
  7. Garnish with Italian seasoning which gives a subtle taste to the Pasta.
  8. Serve this piping hot with some Garlic bread or just as it is. Add some crumbled Parmesan Cheese if desired. That makes it so very special and delightful dinner. Enjoy!

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Shiva Pande
Shiva Pande   Dec-14-2016

Yummy, I love pasta salad!

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