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Photo of Roasted Moong Dal Soup by Bethica Das at BetterButter

Roasted Moong Dal Soup

Bethica Das
5 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Roasted Moong Dal Soup RECIPE

This is a healthy soup of roasted Moong Dal, combined with tomatoes and a handful of coriander leaves. It is in a curried form and can be had along with some bread sticks or croutons for a wholesome light meal. As it is rich in proteins, they are very helpful for weight watchers. A dollop of butter and a sprinkle of red chili flakes / pepper powder or a dash of lime adds a punch to this hearty soup.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Soups

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. 1 cup moong dal, dry roasted
  2. 2 tomatoes, chopped (opt)
  3. 1 onion, chopped
  4. 1" ginger, chopped
  5. 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  6. handful of coriander leaves
  7. 1 tsp. olive oil
  8. 1 bay leaf
  9. 1 tsp. whole garam masala (cinnamon, cardamoms & cloves)
  10. pinch of turmeric powder
  11. salt to taste
  12. 1 tsp. roasted coriander powder
  13. 1 tsp. roasted cumin powder
  14. 1/2 tsp. garam masala powder
  15. 1/2 tsp. red chili powder or to taste
  16. 3 cups water / vegetable stock
  17. coriander leaves to garnish
  18. 1/2 tsp. chili flakes to garnish
  19. 1 tbsp. lime juice


  1. Pressure cook the tomatoes in 1 cup water for 2 whistles. Blend when cool and strain. Keep aside. Heat oil in a pan and saute the whole garam masala and bay leaf.
  2. Add the onion, ginger and garlic and fry till translucent. Add the roasted moong dal, coriander leaves, all the powdered masalas and 2 cups water / stock. Pressure cook for 3-4 whistles.
  3. When cool, discard the bay leaf and the whole garam masalas. Blend in a mixie and add the tomato puree to it.
  4. Adjust the stock according to the consistency desired. Just before serving, heat through and add the lime juice. Serve, garnished with coriander leaves and chili flakes.

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