Home / Recipes / Bajra Roti

Photo of Bajra Roti by Insiya Kagalwala at BetterButter

Bajra Roti

Insiya Kagalwala
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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Winters call for comfort food and wha

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Roasting
  • Basic recipe
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Bajra flour 2 cups
  2. Warm water as much needed
  3. Oil 1tsp
  4. jaggery powdered 2 tbsp
  5. Melted pure ghee 1 tsp +applying not he rotis


  1. Take the Bajra flour and add warm water and start kneading the dough
  2. The dough shouldn't be very soft of hard, if you press your fingers , the marks should be visible
  3. Apply oil and the dough sit for 10 mins
  4. Make small pedas put of the dough
  5. Sprinkle some flour on the surface and start pressing the pedas to form a dough, use your fingers to pat the dough and form the roti
  6. Keep dusting the flour and keep rolling the chapatis till you get a thin round roti
  7. Put it he griddle and fry on both the sides, toast till you see golden spots on 1 side, then turn
  8. Follow the process to cook on both sides, do not keep turning the rotis again and again , do it 3 times .
  9. Apply melted ghee in each roti. Apply generously as these rotis tend to get drier
  10. Enjoy with powdered ghee , topped with some more melted ghee

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