Home / Recipes / chicken balls stuffed flower bread

Photo of chicken balls stuffed flower bread by Juthika Ray at BetterButter

chicken balls stuffed flower bread

Juthika Ray
240 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT chicken balls stuffed flower bread RECIPE

Healthy and delicious which is suitable for any kind of party

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Dinner Party
  • Baking
  • Appetizers

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. All purpose flour 1 cup
  2. Mayonnaise 1 teaspoon
  3. sugar one teaspoon
  4. dry yeast half teaspoon
  5. Salt to taste
  6. butter one teaspoon
  7. grated cheese 4 teaspoon
  8. for chicken balls boneless chicken half cup
  9. slice onion half cup
  10. slice garlic half teaspoon
  11. slice capsicum one fourth cup
  12. Coriander leaves 1/4 cup
  13. Egg 1
  14. Cumin powder one teaspoon
  15. Kashmiri red chilli powder 1 teaspoon
  16. black paper powder one teaspoon
  17. Bread slice 1
  18. tomato ketchup 1+4teaspoon
  19. soya sauce one teaspoon
  20. oil
  21. onion seeds one teaspoon


  1. in a container assemble all purpose flour dry East sugar salt mayonnaise
  2. mix together
  3. Knead to a medium soft dough with luke warm water
  4. after 15 minutes add butter in the dough
  5. rest the dough for 3 hours in warm place
  6. Dough should be very double in size then we knead it again
  7. divide the dough into 3 section and shape them into balls
  8. cover the ball with a damp clothe
  9. in a frying pan fry the onion slice and garlic slice
  10. assemble the fried onions and garlic capsicum slices coriander leaves
  11. in a container add bread slice coriander leaves capsicums slices fried onions and garlic and all dry masala tomato ketchup soya sauce salt and mix up them
  12. In a grinder paste boneless chicken and egg
  13. add chicken paste and mix well
  14. make small balls
  15. fry chicken balls in slow flames
  16. roll out each ball and make square with a knife
  17. make a slits of the middle portion of each sides, leaving the centre intact
  18. add cheese and tomato ketchup in the centre
  19. then add chicken balls in the centre
  20. Take each corner and Seal it in the upper portion of the chicken ball
  21. then pinch the dough of other two sides
  22. repeat the process again
  23. make the flower
  24. gently brush the flower with egg yolk and Sprinkle some onion seeds
  25. preheat the oven to 180 degree centigrade temperature
  26. bake the flowers for 15 minutes
  27. remove from oven and brush with melted butter

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