Home / Recipes / Exortica sizzler


Exortica sizzler

Ayesha Golwala
60 minutes
Prep Time
45 minutes
Cook Time
5 People
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ABOUT Exortica sizzler RECIPE

Its yummmmm..

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Main Dish

Ingredients Serving: 5

  1. Basmati rice 2 cups
  2. Noodles 1 cup
  3. Oil
  4. Butter
  5. Chop green chilly 2 spn
  6. Chop garlic 2 spn
  7. Jeera seeds 1tspn
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Black pepper pwdr 1 tspn
  10. Vinegar 1 tspn
  11. Spring onion chop roughly
  12. Cabbage cut into square pieces
  13. Capsicum cut into small square pcs
  14. Green peas boil
  15. Carrot small square pieces n boil
  16. Boneless chicken small square pcs
  17. Ggc paste 2 spn
  18. Egg 2
  19. Mainda 4 spn
  20. Cornflour 4 spn
  21. Water half cup
  22. Milk 1 cup
  23. Vinegar or ajino
  24. Amul fresh cream 5 tblspn
  25. Potato for french fries
  26. Amul Cheeze slice


  1. Boil rice n noodles
  2. Take oil n butter in a pan
  3. Add chop green chilly,garlic chop, jeera seed, salt, black pepper pwdr, vinegar or ajino fry all dis then add rice n noodles , spring onion
  4. Make french fries
  5. Take a pan add butter,cabbage,capsicum fry den add green peas carrot fry add black pepper pwdr, salt
  6. Boneless chicken cut into small square pieces add ggc paste, salt, black pepper pwdr vinegar or ajino n marinate for 2-3 hrs den add 1 egg, 2spn mainda, 2spn cornflour mix and deep fry
  7. For gravy- take 1 bowl add half cup of water,1cup of milk,2spn mainda,2spn cornflour,salt, pepper, vinegar or ajino
  8. In a pan take butter n oil add chop chilli n add the bowl mixture of gravy.. den cook till bcome thick den add sme water n 5 tblspn amul cream
  9. Heat the sizzling tray put sme butter den rice n noodles den all vegies den french fries den chicken balls den again sme rice noodles den gravy den cheeze slice.. heat n serve

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mira pandhya
mira pandhya   Aug-21-2018


tuana tiaka
tuana tiaka   Aug-19-2018


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