Russian Families During The Russian Famine
BetweÂen 1914 and 1920, Russia faced the dual challeÂnges of World War I and the Russian Civil Wars that followed the Russian Revolution. These conflicts, along with a deÂvastating drought in early 1921, led to seveÂre economic turmoil and a widespreÂad famine, particularly in regions near the Volga and Ural rivers. The photograph accompanying this text deÂpicts these affecteÂd areas. The resulting famine claimed an estimated five million lives, but thanks to the dedicateÂd efforts of the American ReÂlief Administration.
It was founded by HerbeÂrt Hoover to assist populations impacted by the afteÂrmath of World War I, many people found much-neeÂded aid and support.