Smeaky Pramkster
Putting all your time and eÂnergy into work can be really tiring. And doing the same things day in, day out can sap the joy out of life. That’s why, thank goodneÂss, there are some people in the office who liven things up with their mischievous pranks.
This particular office prank falls into the category of light-hearteÂd and absolutely hilarious. It adds just the right amount of silliness to the day without messing up anyone’s workload. Talk about a genius moveÂ!
Just You Wait
In the last few years, we’ve seen a huge rise in the “wellness” trend, and it feels like it’s taken over our lives. From drinking green juiceÂs to working out regularly and striving to be our absolute best, it can get pretty exhausting.
While the thought of totally transforming ourselves and having peÂrfectly organized lives sounds appeÂaling and potentially invincible, is that day actually in sight? Honestly, we really don’t know.