Schooling the boss
Despite the common perception of bosseÂs as qualified, intelligent, successful, and responsible individuals, anyone who has had a leÂss-than-ideal boss knows that these assumptions aren’t always accurate. For example, imagine arriving at work only to find the door locked because your boss is late. Frustrated by this situation, you decide to go back home, fully aware that this choice could potentially put your job security at risk. It’s a decision that many of us can understand and eÂmpathize with.
The resignation letter describes the situation clearly and seems completely reasonable. The prominent “Help Wanted” sign suggests that our perspective on the boss may not be unique.
Best resignation ever!
Is there a way to make resigning a bit sweeÂter? We’ve seen cakes being used time and time again, so why not try cookies instead? The great thing about using cookies as your chosen medium for delivering your two-weÂek notice is that each cookie becomes a blank canvas for a personal message. It’s interesting to wonder whether this person has a baking background, as their resignation cookies show off quite a professional touch.
Regardless, they could easily add this skill to their resume when looking for new job opportunities in the hopeÂs of catching the eye of potential employers.