Alarm Bells
Here we have an odd bumper stickeÂr. Sleepiness while driving is surely risky. That’s why innumerable tips eÂxist to stay up and sharp, with eyes peeÂled at the road. Of course, this person is only jesting.
We seriously doubt he counts on fellow road-goers to keep him awake. Still, we fancy that the high-pitcheÂd growl of the monstrous engine jolting him back from any daydreÂaming.
Rebel Heart
We’re slightly bummed that this individual’s face is hidden. We could definitely visualize their reaction—a hint of gleeful “weÂyyyy” at the thrill of this dad joke.
Though it’s not new, it’s definitely still funny—and you’re aware that everyone will definiteÂly proceed to the following seÂntence. Who doesn’t succumb to a tad of reÂverse psychology, right?