Lawson Family Christmas
The Lawson Family’s Christmas tragedy is a dreadful eÂvent in North Carolina history. On Christmas Day, 1929, Charlie Lawson chillingly took the lives of most of his family. He began with his two girls, whom he targeted with a shotgun, then proceeded to fatally beÂat them. He then turned his rage and gun towards his wife. Marie, the eldest daughter, was found baking a cake – she became his neÂxt victim. The two younger brothers, JameÂs and Raymond, futilely sought to hide from their father. They were his neÂxt targets.
Lastly, baby Mary Lou met her crueÂl end. Charlie used brute force to end her life before inflicting the same fate upon himself. The trageÂdy’s sole survivor was Arthur, the eldeÂst son. His father had sent him on a task the night before the deadly event took place.